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And calling to Him a child, He put him in the midst of them, and said, "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 18:2-3)

Youth Corner

A Quiz To Do: Answers

St. Anthony the GreatBelow are the answers to our quiz concerning St. Anthony the Great.

But, before you look, did you find the place on our web site where the answers are?

(Here's a hint: Try clicking on the St. Anthony the Great link that you can see here beside you in the menu to the left.)

1. On what day of the Coptic Church calendar do we commemorate the departure of St. Anthony?
The 22 day of Tubah.

2. In what year was St. Anthony born and in what city?
In the year 251 A.D. in the city of Qimn El

3. What verse from the Gospel did St. Anthony hear at church that helped him decide to follow a solitary life in asceticism?
"If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasures in heaven: and come, follow Me." (Matthew 19:21).

4. What did St. Anthony do with his wealth?
He gave his wealth to the poor and needy.

5. Where did St. Anthony first live in asceticism?
He went and lived on the outskirts of the city of Qimn El

6. With what afflictions did the devil fight St. Anthony?
With boredom, laziness, and the phantoms of women.

7. Where is the second place that St. Anthony resided in asceticism?
He went to one of the tombs, and he resided therein and closed the door on himself.

8. What did the devil do there to St. Anthony when he perceived his ascetic life and intense worship?
When the devil perceived his ascetic life and his intense worship, he was envious of St. Anthony, and he beat him mercilessly, then left him unconscious.

9. Where did St. Anthony go to become a martyr? Did he succeed?
During the time of persecution, St. Anthony longed to become a martyr. He left his monastery and went to Alexandria.

St. Anthony did not succeed. God preserved him all along, according to His will, for the benefit of many, and so the governor left him alone.

10. What place now stands on the spot in the inner wilderness of the eastern desert where St. Anthony went to live?
At this spot is the monastery of St. Anthony the Great now.

11. What two things did St. Anthony see an angel doing that taught St. Anthony how to overcome boredom?
One time, St. Anthony was bored, and he heard a voice telling him,
"Go out and see." He went out and saw an angel who wore a tunic with a cross, one resembling the tunic of monks (E1-Eskiem), and on his head was a head cover (Kolansowa).

   -- The angel was sitting while braiding palm leaves,
   -- Then the angel stood up to pray.

A voice came to him saying,
"Anthony, do this and you will rest." Henceforth, he started to wear this tunic that he saw, and began to weave palm leaves, and never got bored again.

12. How many years did St. Anthony live?
St. Anthony lived for one hundred and five years, struggling in the way of holiness and purity.

There are altogether 15 questions asked in our quiz. How many answers did you get correct without looking?

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Last Modified: February 03, 2013